MTV ayuda a satisfacer el gusto colectivo de la banda alemana por los cosas dulces (y amargas)
MTV helps satisfy the German band's collective sweet (and sour) tooth.
By James Montgomery, with reporting by Kim Stolz
There are three things Tokio Hotel really like about the United States: fast food (particularly In & Out Burger), Hollywood movies (particularly those starring Angelina Jolie) and, strangely enough, American candy (particularly any brand they can get their hands on).
Naturally, they were rather upset that they wouldn't actually be in the U.S. for the single greatest candy-consuming day of the year: Halloween. Seems they're due back in Germany to continue work on their new album, which meant that after Thursday night's sold-out show at New York's Roseland Ballroom, they'd be packed on a plane and sent home, candyless.
Of course, when we heard about this, we decided to help. So, we surprised the guys backstage at the Roseland with a heavy-duty Halloween candy bonanza. In between stuffing Sweet Tarts, Warheads and Twix bars in their mouths, TH frontman Bill Kaulitz and his twin brother, guitarist Tom, actually managed to get a few words in too.
"In Germany, we do not have Halloween, which is a shame. We do have some of this candy though," Bill laughed, surveying the mounds of sweets before him. "We have M&Ms, we have these things here — Ritter Sport — and these too, [Kinder Surprise Eggs]. ... I'm not really into chocolate; I really love all the sour stuff. ... I just like the surprises [in the Kinder]."
"What kind of surprise is in there?" Tom asked bassist Georg Listing, who unwrapped the Kinder to reveal some sort of boat/duck contraption. "Is that a boat? Maybe it's a sex toy?"
Other highlights from our candy-filled rampage with Tokio Hotel included Bill's confusion over Pixy Stix ("Are they sour? Are they for the nose?"), and Tom's love of candy cigarettes ("It is bubblegum! We are all non-smokers, so this is good!"). Most important of all, despite their boasts that they like their candy as sour as possible, neither of the Kaulitz brothers could finish one single Mega Warhead ball.
"Gack!" Bill sputtered, spitting his Warhead onto the floor. "It's too sour for me."
And then, just as the candy frenzy was hitting its high mark, it was time for the guys to take the stage. So we bid farewell to the Kaulitz brothers, and wished them luck on their new album. But before they went, they had one message for their fans here in the States.
"We wanted to say thank you, and we will be back in December to play some radio shows. Also, happy Halloween!" Bill said, before asking, "Can we take some of this candy with us?
Fuente: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1598330/20081031/tokio_hotel.jhtml
Mai Kaulitz WSNA
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